Second hand surf and SUP boards
We always have second hand boards in stock and the turn around is too fast for us to keep a list updated.
If you are after a secondhand board, please call the shop on 01637 872579.
Want us to sell your board for you?
No problem ! just bring it to the shop and we can discuss what we can get for it. We charge a commission on the sale, it is quite simple............
shortboards (boards under 7'0") commission.........................,.......£30.00
mini mals/ fun boards (boards 7'0" - 8'5") commission...................£50.00
longboards (8'6" upwards) commission.........................................£50.00
SUP boards (any size) commission...............................................£70.00
We also buy second hand boards
If you are after a secondhand board, please call the shop on 01637 872579.
Want us to sell your board for you?
No problem ! just bring it to the shop and we can discuss what we can get for it. We charge a commission on the sale, it is quite simple............
shortboards (boards under 7'0") commission.........................,.......£30.00
mini mals/ fun boards (boards 7'0" - 8'5") commission...................£50.00
longboards (8'6" upwards) commission.........................................£50.00
SUP boards (any size) commission...............................................£70.00
We also buy second hand boards